2nd Grade Comparing Fairy Tales

ninja pigsThis week at the RBE Library, our 2nd grades were reading fairy tales and comparing classic versions to more modern versions. Well, I could not pass up an opportunity to get to share The Three Ninja Pigs by Corey Schwartz and illustrated by Dan Santat.

The students read The Story of the Three Little Pigs by Leslie L. Brooke in ebook form from our MackinVia account. This account houses all of our online resources like EBSCO and the World Book and PebbleGo, but it also has multi-user ebooks that are great for students to explore and for teachers to use in the classroom.

After they read a very classic version of the story, they came to the library with the background knowledge and schema necessary to compare the classic version with the modern one.

I love this book for this lesson because it has so many great examples of setting, character, and plot that the student can compare and contrast. I made this special version of a comparing stories compare and contrast graphic organizer.

We did shoulder shares for each piece and I listened and recorded what I heard the kids shoulder sharing on one under the

We did the classic version first for story 1, read The Three Ninja Pigs and then completed the Story 2, and then we made a list of elements that were in the same in both stories. After the 

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lesson,the kids checked out books and came back to complete the back side for connections on their own.document camera. Then the kids filled in their from their should shares and the example on the screen.

They also got a post it from me and completed an Exit Ticket for this question, “Which version of the story did you like BEST and WHY?” They took their Exit Tickets to the New RBE Library Exit Ticket Parking Lot and stuck it there. I was pleasantly surprised to see that many of the students stopped to read the other kids Exit Tickets. I had the whole grade level on there together (5 classes and over 100 students) so some of the last classes had a lot to read.

I am going to leave the Exit Tickets up until my next lesson in the library, and then I am going to take these down and place them on some butcher paper to hang in the hall for others to see what students are sharing and learning from their lessons in the library!

Oh, by the way, I can tell you that the kids overwhelming chose The Three Ninja Pigs as their favorite! Below are some pics of the lesson and the kids at the Exit Ticket Parking Lot.

2nd Grade Comparing Fairy Tales Collaborative Activity


One comment on “2nd Grade Comparing Fairy Tales
  1. I would love to Skype! My class is grade two students? Let me know. Thanks.
    We are starting fairy tales this coming week:)

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