Genre Study Library Activity

This week for our RBE Students, we are offering a flipped library learning opportunity! Since our students are learning about genres, we are going to do a special library activity to connect those genres to the books in the library.

At RBE, our students engage in reader’s workshop. We want to grow our readers, and as part of that growth process, we encourage students to read from various genres. We also encourage our readers to read for different purposes. Students can access books at the RBE Library to choose books in many different genres and for many different purposes.



This activity is to help students choose books from the RBE Library that they are:

  1. interested in
  2. from various genres
  3. for different reading purposes

The genres we are going to use for this activity are:

  1. science fiction
  2. realistic fiction
  3. mystery
  4. historical fiction
  5. fantasy
  6. biography
  7. poetry
  8. informational

The purposes for reading we are going to study for this activity are:

  1. Reading for entertainment
  2. Reading for information


Click Here to go to the Genre  Study Library Activity

Click on this image to go to the Genre Study Library Activity!

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