CTE Digital Citizenship Stations

Digital Citizenship & Copyright Stations Blog Post Image

Image Credit: EGUSD Digital Citizenship. Digital image. EGUSD Digital Citizenship. Elk Grove Unified School District, 2015. Web. 17 Sept. 2015. <http://blogs.egusd.net/digitalcitizenship/resources/>.


Next week at the Reedy Library, our CATE students will be coming to the library for some Digital Citizenship and Copyright Stations.

The students will be visiting 6 stations: Digital Frame of Mind, Copyright and Fair Use, Cyberbullying, Privacy and Security, Digital Footprint and Reputation, and Internet Safety.

At each stations students will be doing some reading, watching some videos, taking some online quizzes, and recording their responses on the below Google Forms.

Here is a link to the Station Signs and Instructions, and then below you will find links to the stations and the information presented at each station.



Students, record your responses on your class periods’ link:

Burns 1B                                      Burns 2B                                           Sparks 4B

Burns 1A                                      Burns 2A 

Burns 4A                                      Fischer 1A                                        Warnasch 2A

Munro 1A                                     Fischer 2A                                        Warnasch 3A

Munro 3A                                     Fischer 3A                                        Warnasch 2B

Munro 2B                                     Fischer 4A                                         Warnasch 3B

Munro 3B                                     Fischer 1B

Munro 4B                                     Fischer 2B                                          Raymond 2B

Ryan 1A                                       Fischer 3B                                          Raymond 3A

Ryan 2A                                       Zoda 1A                                             Raymond 4A

Ryan 1B                                       Zoda 3A                                             Raymond 1A

Ryan 2B                                       Zoda 1B                                             Raymond 3B

Smith 1A                                     Zoda 2B                                             Raymond 4B

Smith 2A                                    Sparks 2A                                           Scheu 1A

Smith 3A                                    Sparks 3A                                           Scheu 2A

Smith 2B                                    Sparks 4A                                           Scheu 3A

Smith 3B                                    Sparks 2B

Digital Frame of Mind

Click Here  to go to the in ONE SECOND on the internet link. Notice that the longer to stay on the site, the more it multiplies. Be sure to scroll to the bottom and read the statements about 10 years ago, etc. Be sure to respond to your Digital Frame of Mind Station question on the Google Form.



Copyright and Fair Use

Are you copyright confused?  As we integrate more technology into our schools, navigating the line between what’s legal and what’s not can be overwhelming. In order for us to become ethical consumers and creators of media, we also need a strong understanding of the concepts of copyright and fair use.

Be sure to respond to answer questions 2 & 3 on the Copyright and Fair Use Stations Google Form.

Copyright Definition

Copyright law builds upon the values of the First Amendment by emphasizing that sharing ideas and information leads to new knowledge and innovation.

Copyright law protects works of “intellectual property” — creative expressions of ideas in fixed symbolic form. (Patent law protects the expression of novel ideas in the form of objects or processes.) Books, movies, music, paintings, photographs, websites, images, video games, performances, architecture, and software are among the many types of creative work protected by copyright.

Copyright Act of 1976-Fair Use Definition

The fair use doctrine, which is found in Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, states that the use of copyrighted material “for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research” is not an infringement. Courts consider these factors in determining fair use: the purpose of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the original work; and the effect of the use on the market for the original.

“Eyes on the Prize”

PBS aired the documentary “Eyes on the Prize” on US TV in 1987, earning 23 honours, including two Peabody Awards, and receiving such praise as: “The principal film account of the most important American social justice movement of the 20th Century.” But, in 1993, it ran out of circulation due to expired licenses of copyright, meaning that you’ll no longer see it on TV, and that it will never be preserved on DVD or Blu-ray. Blackside Productions couldn’t afford the US$500K it cost to have the materials re-licensed. In one clip, you will hear “Happy Birthday to You” by Mildred H. Hill and Patty S. Hill. Only one verse out of it costs US$15K. Unwieldy copyright laws and extortionate royalty fees have been changing history forever. If you’re a filmmaker, you have no choice but to leave the truth behind. Thankfully, copyright law has offered a saving grace. It allows artists to exercise “fair use,” as it is termed. It is, too, a right that will go away if it is unprotected. Don’t even think about letting history disappear. Learn how you can exercise your fair right to fair use.


Be sure to respond to answer question 4 and ONE of the scenarios on the Copyright and Fair Use Stations Google Form.


The subject of bullying is something that you have probably heard a lot about in Frisco ISD.  Bullying is taught through PRIDE and Olweus programs.  School districts have policies in place to handle bullying situations.

Cyberbullying is when someone uses an electronic or digital device to harass, intimidate, or embarrass someone else.

For this module you will click on the links below in order and follow the directions to learn more about Cyberbullying.

Click Here for What is Cyberbullying?

Click Here for the Cyberbullying Quiz.

Once you submit your answers the correct answers and explanations will be shown.  Look over the ones you missed and read the reason it gives for the correct answer.

Be sure to respond to answer questions 5 & 6 on the Cyberbullying Stations Google Form.

Privacy and Security

There a several simple things you can do to protect yourself online.  At this station we will cover online safety regarding Passwords.

You use passwords for accessing just about everything on your computer.  If you do not create a strong password that is hard for someone else to guess you run the risk of being hacked and having your identity stolen.

Let’s get some more information about creating secure passwords. Click on the links below to watch a video and read an article about passwords.

Click Here to watch a video about secure passwords.

Click Here to read about how to create a strong password.

Click Here to take the Passwords Quiz.


Digital Footprint and Reputation

We expand our digital footprint every time we share content to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, blog or make a comment on a website.

The question you need to ask is if your digital footprint actually portrays what you want to be known for.

What is a digital footprint?

On the Internet a digital footprint is the word used to describe the trail, traces or “footprints” that people leave online. This is information transmitted online, such as forum registration, e-mails and attachments, uploading videos or digital images and any other form of transmission of information — all of which leaves traces of personal information about yourself available to others online.

-Source: Webopedia

News Station Story- Your Digital Footprint

This news story is unsettling to watch. See how much personal information was found on this couple’s computer.

Googling Yourself Activity

Click on the link and read the brief article. Try putting the suggested search terms regarding your personal information.



Internet Safety

The subject of Internet Safety encompasses a vast majority of topics and discussions.  For this class we decided to narrow it down and focus on the aspect of teaching students that the Internet gives you access to the world and you need to keep a few tips in mind to keep you safe.  Simply put, the things you do to keep yourself safe in the real world (locking your door, not talking to strangers, etc) should also be practiced online.


Finding & Using Images

Finding and using images from the internet can be very confusing.  For this station you will watch a video about how to search for copyright free images and how to find images in MackinVia databases.  It is very important that you use copyright free images or use citations for images that have copyright.

Watch the video below.

Citing Sources 

Citing sources can be very confusing. We want you to use information you find on the internet, but when you are using it for school, it’s really important you cite your sources. When you cite your sources you:

  1. give credit to the person or organization that created the  material
  2. avoid plagiarism
  3. practice academic honesty

Watch the video below.


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