3rd Grade Genres Lesson


Next week at the RBE Library, our 3rd graders will be coming into the library to learn more about certain genres. As they start reading a broader range of books this year, we want them to be able to identify what genre their books are from. With reading time during reader’ s workshop, students will begin exploring books from various genres.

In the lesson in the library, we will look at books from the library and talk about the characteristics of each genre. Students will create a mind map type graphic organizer to describe the characteristics of the various genres.

After we talk about each genre and complete our mind map, students will perform a genre sort at their tables.

The students will be given the Learning About Genres Activity to identify text examples of the different genres which they will either complete in the library or the classroom.

The genres we will be studying are from Beth Newingham’s website. You can go to her site here: http://hil.troy.k12.mi.us/staff/bnewingham/myweb3/

Genres to Learn:

  1. Mystery
  2. Fantasy
  3. Science Fiction
  4. Realistic Fiction
  5. Historical Fiction
  6. Traditional Literature
  7. Informational
  8. Poetry
  9. Biography

 Name that Genre Cards

Genres to Learn Presentation

5 comments on “3rd Grade Genres Lesson
  1. Hi,
    Love this! Can you describe in more detail the following:

    After we talk about each genre and complete our mind map, students will perform a genre sort at their tables.

    Would you mind if I used your ideas with my 3rd graders?

    • Hello Susan,

      So I think for this activity I had books from the different genres on the tables, and then the kids sorted them and decided which books were which genre. You may certainly use anything I post on my site. In fact, I encourage all librarians to post and share what they do because we are #BetterTogether! 😀

      Nancy Jo

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